Lung Function Test (LFT) in Delhi
What is lung function test / Pulmonary function test / spirometry?
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT): A Straightforward Breathing Test for Lung Assessment
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) is a straightforward and non-invasive breathing test designed to evaluate your lung capacity. If you are suspected to have lung obstruction or restriction, or if there is a need to differentiate between breathlessness caused by lung or heart conditions, a chest/lung specialist may order this test.
The PFT provides valuable information regarding the severity of the lung disease by grading its extent. Additionally, it serves as a useful tool in monitoring the progression or improvement of the lung condition over time.
When should you undergo this test?
Visit lung/chest specialist if you have complaints of
- Breathlessness which is increasing in severity
- If you have ever smoked cigarettes/bidis/hukkahs etc
- If you have persistent cough
- If you are exposed to fumes in a factory
- If your chest produces whistling sound especially with changes in weather
Stage 1:
Patient is instructed to take a deep breath in order to completely fill his lungs with air
Stage 2:
Patient is instructed to blast the inhaled air out like blowing 100 candles at one time